Enjoy our portfolio.  Click on the site tiles to visit the live site or click on the image for a close-up view.  As always, feel free to ask any questions about our designs, methods, and practices.  We are here to help.

Las Vegas Electrician

We were excited to design a stunning site for this vibrant electrical company. They came to us with a bold vision, and we electrified it into a digital masterpiece.

Full Service Law Firm

If legal had a middle name, it’s Webster. We took this law firm and redesigned it with a fresh soft look with eye appeal.  We also expanded its services by 100% and made it relevant on Google.

FNA Biopsy Doctor

This amazing cancer doctor now has a site that fits her feel in Beverly Hills.  Complete with patient forms and full contact with future patients and doctor referrals, It also uses a fresh set of branding colors.

Personal Injury Attorney

It’s no accident how incredible this site is.  We showcased one of the largest personal injury law firms in Las Vegas by developing a site that illustrates the firm’s successes to potential clients.

Allergy Doctor

If you sneeze at the site, visit Dr. Tottori.  This was one of our most complete doctor sites. Dr. Tottori not only cares about his patients, but he makes sure his site provides all the information anyone could need.

Financial Advisor

This is probably the most minimal site I’ve done, and it looks gorgeous! It has an excellent locator function for all its satellite locations.  We did two websites for them.

Full Service Hair Salon

Welcome to the “mane” event.  The owner chose amazing colors, and we ran with a design that changed the world in Indiana.  The side header adds to the stylish feel for this hair salon. The imagery is legendary.

Court Reporting

Todd Combs (great first name) runs to top court reporting agency in San Francisco.  The site might not have all the bells and whistles, but his clients appreciate the layout and the easy access to Combs’ services.

Personal Injury Attorney

Lach Injury Law is another fantastic lawyer site for Las Vegas.  Barren Lach was aggressive with his site design and required intense branding to make sure his clients knew he stood for them 100%.

Recruiting Company

Such a cool company to work with. They came to us with an out-of-date theme and needed to upgrade the site while trying to keep the old design intact.  I was able to convert the site over to a modern theme and gift it a design overhaul to improve its sharpness across the board.

Divorce Attorney

Standish Law is one of the top divorce attorneys in Las Vegas.  They were another company that lost control of their site and just needed to convert the old site to a modern theme and give it some upgrades.  I love working with Tom and Jane and you will too!

Travel Agent

Group Go Travel was a new start up site by a very active travel agent out of Washington State.  She asked for a stunning travel site to sell all of her travel services and one that was rank ready out of the box.  We delivered exactly that.

The Saint Studio

Entertainment Industry Photographer

We were so blessed to get the opportunity to design a site for this electric Hollywood photographer.  He came to us with a vision and we created a masterpiece. As of July, 2024 this site is out of business. 


Pest Control

This site was rebranded to show one thing, it kills at its job. The concept for this pest control company was cutting edge and zeroing in on its target audience. Notice the great effects and coloring. As of January 2024 This site is no longer available.


A stunning future E-commerce based site that sells the services of a Esthetician. Promotes faux lashes for every woman. Very fast site that schedules appointments with Acuity Scheduling.

Garage Door Repair Franchise

We have designed 8Precision Door websites.  We pride ourselves on maintaining consistency with franchises, along with keeping a fresh look and easy flow content.


This is not a s%^tty site.  This plumber site was created for local effect and to attract customers to a long standing reputable plumber.

Insurance Company

This is one of the most exciting sites I designed ?.  Maybe I kid, but this sites packs action in the hero and sells a variety of insurance products to dealers.

Moving Company

A Las Vegas company that handles all of your office needs from moving to furniture.  The key for this site was showing the brands they use and highlighting their four main services.

Garage Door Repair Franchise

After creating 7 Precision Door sites in California and Las Vegas, another franchise across the homeland wanted a fantastic site.  Rhode Island got what they wanted.

internet marketing company

Home Inspector

This is one of the top home inspectors in the valley.  This client is as tough as they come to inspecting homes.  He asked for a site that shows off some of the high level homes he inspects, while also giving off a bit of his personality.  We added in many ways for potential customers to contact him.

Garage Door Repair Company

Alliant Garage Doors was a referral from Precision.  He gave us his logo and colors and asked for a beautiful site that would attract customers to his new and first Anaheim location.  In the end, he got a fully functioning site with all the bells and whistles he needs to grow his service business.

Automotive Accessory

STOP ON RED!  This site was classically designed with a side header and sharp colors to maximize the product.  It also has backend functions for dealers to log in.

Residential & Commercial Painter

RAM Painting stands for Reliable, Affordable, and Meticulous.  I enjoyed building this site for this fantastic local company so much, they painted two houses for me. They get a 5-star review from me.

Food Nutritionist

This was a fun site to recreate.  The owner wanted to rebrand the domain, but not the site completely.  We took off her original design, added in subscriptions and CTAs and just made her site much more E-commerce ready.

Water Softener

This was a tough project. We inherited a awful site and were tasked to rebuild it on its foundation for a more modern site. I think we accomplished that and more.  This is a fully functioning E-commerce site.

Nursery and Landscaping Store

This was such a delightful site to do.  We took a very simple WIX site with no Ecomm and turned it into a gorgeous Ecommerce site with pickup scheduling and more bells and whistles.  The site pretty much runs itself.


One of the .Orgs I have been honored to design was this amazing site for these two people.  Bringing Chris’s story for the digital world to see with elegance and empathy was my goal.


We wanted to honor this comedian’s work with a fun and lively site. It is also capable of collecting online donations to help fund the organization’s mission to inspire children

internet marketing company


I was so happy to be involved in this project.  We took this site from Squarespace and made it a beautiful WordPress site.  We were able to make a site that peacefully & with respect attracts women who have been sexually assaulted and need help.


Truly a legend in Las Vegas, Linda Smith was a joy to work for.  Not only is this site E-comm, but it is a beautiful journey through her life and into inspiring speaking today. Get her book!

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Fill out our quick form below and one of our marketing analysis will call you and discuss what Send It Rising can do for your site.  Don’t forget to ask about the free site audit!