Good SEO scores well with search engines on initial scans. Great SEO enhances the reader experience and boosts that relevance in a lasting way because readers click through and return.
Building Audience Through User-centric SEO
Search engine optimization becomes more sophisticated each year, and modern Las Vegas SEO firms know that the secret to great SEO lies beyond initial metrics. A web page that scores well initially won’t continue to score well unless readers are clicking through from query results, accessing other web pages through it and so on. That’s where the concept of user-centric SEO comes into play as a highly effective tool.
Effective Inbound Links
An important way to boost relevance with both search engine analytics and human readers is inbound links, such as those posted on social media, through guest blogging and other means. The goal here is to drive traffic to content that those people not only want but also may be willing to share. How much the audience appreciates that content will determine how likely they are to tell others about it.
Relevant Internal Linking
Internal linking is a great way to help pages score well, and it can be particularly effective with content that may not be able to score well on its own. It’s also your tool for exposing traffic that you’ve earned to even more of your content, including articles, blog posts, videos and so forth.
Relevant Terminology Used in a Natural Way
Keywords that score well may not be words and phrases that read well or lend your site the air of professionalism needed to be successful. Striking the right balance is a challenge, and you need to be meticulous about which key terms you choose and when and where you use them.
A Tale of Two Site Maps
Rarely is it ever advisable to create one site map for both readers and search engine robots. Create two. One should be in HTML and optimized for the human experience, and the other should be created with XML and fine-tuned to score as high as possible with web-crawling spiders.
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