
In order to make your business relevant and interesting, a strong presence on social media is a must. Learn about some great ways to use hashtags as some of your advertising techniques.

Three Ways to Use Hashtags to Get More Followers

When you need to boost your social media followers, hashtags are a great option. The use of hashtags in social media posts has been around for a while, but their use in attracting new followers is a more recent development. Consider these three ways to use hashtags in your posts to get more followers on your social media in Las Vegas.

Choose Something Unique

A bland hashtag is not going to do much for your social media posts. Try a unique hashtag that is not offensive. Make sure that it is relevant to a marketing campaign or your business. For example, if your business is known as “Joe’s Repair Shop,” your social media hashtags could start with “#JoeKnows.” This helps people understand that it is related to your business. Be sure to tie it across all of your social channels.

Be Consistent

To boost your success at marketing with hashtags, be consistent across channels. Use the same start to your hashtags on all networks. This will lead to more followers who keep track of your activities on all of the social media platforms. You can also use specific channel links as part of your hashtags, such as “#JoeKnowsInstagram.” Be sure to add links to your other social media pages when it makes sense. You can do these as teasers with additional hashtags.

Drive Engagement

Using a hashtag in your social media posts drives consumer engagement. When you use a hashtag, you are more likely to get shares of what you are posting about on your page. On average, posts with a hashtag get 12 percent more consumer responses on the Twitter network. If you include both a link and a hashtag, you could achieve up to a 20 percent boost. More likes and shares could lead to a big boost in the number of followers.

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