Table of Contents

We live in a land of pistol-dueling range riders, lovelorn billionaires, scamming politicos, courageous rebels, cheating co-workers and fire-breathing dragons.

Not really, for the most part, but those are the stories we love to be told. We inhabit such intriguing lives through the truths and half-truths and lies we devour from books and movies and television programs and music and streaming platforms and workplace gossip.

Where’s the Passion?

Do you have a blog and write the occasional post because you feel it’s expected? Perhaps you’ve read somewhere that everyone in your industry, or everyone trying to draw fans, followers, clients, or customers needs to have a blog.

So you make one, but you’re not quite invested in it.

If you’ve ever read any of those “The Story of our Roots” or “How Our Company Began” stories on commercial websites, you might find some of them to be damn interesting, even if often poorly written.

I remember reading of one wildly popular local restaurateur who started so poor that when his freezer broke down at his first place, he had no money to fix it. Fortunately, it was winter in Cleveland, and he could store his ingredients in a styrofoam chest outside the back door and hope the health inspectors didn’t pay him a surprise visit.

Intriguing, eh?

You can see the kernel of drama and humor and wonder that holds it together, the struggles that took place to make an under-financed start-up an eventual “only in America” success story.

You can do the same and have your own marketing Las Vegas success story. Here are a few tips.

Be Visual

I mean that in two ways. Write in a way that paints a picture in the minds of readers. Use adjectives and descriptive language. But don’t pad your writing with lots of flowery words when a briefer word count would do. And use visuals: relevant photos and graphics and maybe even the occasional video clip if it advances the story. People love to see a good story as much as they choose to read one — or even more.

Write About People, Not Stuff

It’s not about the product you’re selling. It’s about how that product makes people feel. How it improves their lives or draws their families closer together or saves time to be otherwise spent with the kids at the beach.


Write with emotion. Your blog should make us happy, fearful, outraged, inspired, amused…something. Your posts should evoke some reaction as a payoff for taking the five or ten or twenty minutes takes your audience to read it. Otherwise, why bother? Why bother writing it, for that matter?

Get Serious

Yes, even if you write humor. Get serious in your commitment. Adhere to a schedule. Study your targeted audience. Take your time — don’t just dash off a post in the few minutes you have before lunch. See your blog as an essential tool for storytelling that you want to share with your world.

As an Internet marketing company in Las Vegas, we’d love to help you tell your story. Contact us here.

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