Anyone can put up a website in practically minutes. If you need to get a business site up and running quickly, you might have been tempted to turn to your teenager. In addition, there are all kinds of off-the-shelf web design and development solutions your company could use. But the question is, should you access such quick solutions?

As you think of building a new business website or upgrading your current site, we encourage you to trust the job to a professional. After all, that website will reflect your business to the world. For many, it will be the first impression they get.

This doesn’t mean you have to put a web design and development professional on your payroll. Hire a company with the experience and the expertise to study your needs, ask plenty of questions and come back with solutions that will yield a website you can be proud of. You’ll get a website that will lend your brand credibility and help you do business with vendors and customers.

As a leading marketing Las Vegas firm, we think there are at least three key reasons why you should make this decision (and probably many more).

The custom design introduces your culture and supports your brand.

Sure, you can get an off-the-shelf website template and make it fit your needs as closely as possible. Most design templates are easy to work with and basically, all you have to do is drop in your own company information. What visitors see is a site that pretty much looks like websites your prospective customers have seen a thousand times before. Where’s the creativity? How does this off-the-shelf website solution reflect your culture and share your passions? What does it say about the collaboration of your work teams and all that makes your company rise above the competition?

The alternative is to trust the job to someone who’s actually met your leadership team and has toured your facilities. You can select a highly experienced website designer who’s held a few conversations with your creative people and therefore understands your culture and knows how you see yourselves and what you and your team have in mind.

Customized web design can better reflect your SEO strategy.

This point is of critical importance. Search engine optimization (SEO) involves the various strategies you use in website design and digital communication to attract visitors through their searches on Google and other search engines. Studies show that a stunning 89 percent of web searchers use SEO to find what they’re looking for. In other words, they use the search terms (or keywords) that will (hopefully) get them to your site. With any luck — and good SEO strategy — your page will come up at or near the top of the results listing that result from such a search.

Those strategic keywords might be “Ralph Lauren men’s two-piece tuxedo,” “red sneakers for kids” or “technical writer for hire.” An experienced website designer will know how to help you predict which keywords will be the search terms your prospective customers or clients use. Then they’ll strategically place those keywords and all of the design elements that support the keywords on the relevant page.

It’s not easy. It’s a strategy. Do you think you can find that kind of strategic support in a low-cost template? Do you think an employee with a little bit of claimed web design know-how can stumble into the proper solution that will draw the kinds of sharply defined prospects you’re looking for? Probably not.

In-depth knowledge of SEO strategy and working experience with it is of critical importance in the designer you select.

Professionalism in appearance bespeaks professionalism in practice.

By that, we mean that your website is promoting your expertise in your field. It’s shining a spotlight on your high standards of professionalism in everything you do. Everything, that is, except your website design if you try to slap it together without the input of a talented web designer.

The company that you show your market via your website speaks more about the value of your brand than anything you could say in a presentation about your competencies and your culture, your services or product mix and how seriously you take your commitment to customer satisfaction. Prove those high standards by the talent and creativity of the web designer you choose to bring your website to life.

Contact us today
You’ll find expert guidance at Send it Rising. As a leading website design & SEO company in Las Vegas, we exhibit our web development leadership in such areas as pay-per-click (PPC) and paid ads, SEO and Internet marketing, content management, social media strategy, and graphic design.

Call Send it Rising at (702) 263-0141. We’ll show you, step by step, how to create an effective and appealing business website that gets results.

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