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There are thousands of websites out there. Some are more popular than others. It might seem like magic to you (or simply a mystery) that these sites get so much attention without appearing to try. They are trouble for competitors, and they might even take visitors from you! There are several metrics used to determine the success of a website. One is the bounce rate. So what exactly is the bounce rate, and how does it affect you?


Understanding Bounce Rate

If you’re wondering, “how can I improve SEO for my business?”, Start with bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who find their way to your website and then leave (or “bounce”) back to the original source after visiting just one page. A bounce rate is considered “good” if it’s somewhere between 26% and 70%. If your bounce rate is 25%, something might be broken. A score between 26% and 40%, the best SEO company in Las Vegas will tell you, is excellent. A bounce rate between 41% and 55% is average. Above 55%, something could be broken. If you don’t like the bounce rate score you see for your site, there are a few possible explanations.


You Have a Slow Site

Now more than ever, people want instant gratification. This same mentality applies to the web. If they think your site is too slow, they’ll leave! Websites get slowed down for several reasons. One is the poor quality of the hosting site. Using images that are too large, and are therefore slow to load, can bog a site down. Javascript and custom fonts can also bring it to a crawl. Changing your website design Las Vegas can solve the problem.


You Have Offers and Advertisements

Many consumers agree that there’s nothing more frustrating than going to a website, only to get blasted with an advertisement or an unsolicited offer to buy a company’s products. This causes consumers to distrust a site. If that happens, they don’t go back. Sometimes, ads can work in a company’s favor. But that entails making sure they match your site content and resonate with consumers. For example, someone searching for new tires might benefit from an ad for tire specials.


You Have a Self-Sufficient Landing Page

Today, there’s an emphasis on making sites as user-friendly as possible. Some companies follow this lead by putting something that will attract consumers’ attention briefly, such as a contact form, on the first page. Once consumers get what they need, they’re off to the next site. Try encouraging consumers to read about your company or your blog posts. You might want to revise your homepage to make this information more apparent.


From technical problems like broken links to fancy fonts, cumbersome pictures, and bombarding customers with ads, there are many possible explanations for a poor bounce rate. If you’re concerned that your site might be driving traffic away, look at your website to check for problems. Once you fix the underlying issues, you’ll get visitors to stick around awhile.

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Fill out our quick form below and one of our marketing analysis will call you and discuss what Send It Rising can do for your site.  Don’t forget to ask about the free site audit!