2021 google algorthim update
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Everything You Need to Know About the August 2021 Google Algorithm Update

2021 google algorthim update

Climbing to the top of the Google search rankings is one of the keys to running a successful online business. Most people don’t venture past the first page, and only a fraction of people get to page three or four. You could pay for a Google Ad, but reaching the top of the rankings gives you free advertising all year long. People will see your business on the front page, assume that you’re legitimate, and check your website.

 A website design company could redesign your website to make it search engine-friendly. Your Internet marketing agency might focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which uses keywords to jump to the top of the rankings. However, as Google updates its algorithm, marketing agencies have developed new strategies for their customers. Every update makes the algorithm a little more complex–and since Google won’t divulge their secrets, it’s challenging for businesses to proceed.

 In August 2021, Google is scheduled to drop another algorithm update. This extended deadline gives you time to reconfigure your website and possibly raise your position in the search engine rankings. Until then, here’s everything you need to know about the Google algorithm shift.

How Does Google Determine Search Rankings?

 Even the best digital marketing agency doesn’t know exactly how Google ranks its search results. They’ve never released their exact formula, but they’ve offered some information about how websites float to the top. Here are a few factors that Google takes into consideration:

  • Title tags. This is the headline that appears on the top of your search engine listing. A good title tag is clean and direct and features a keyword or two.
  • URL length. Short, clean URLs rank higher in the search engine results. Plus, they’re suitable for marketing because your customers remember them easily.
  • Keywords. These are keywords that a customer might type into a search engine, like “plumber near me.” A website design company could help you incorporate these keywords into your site.
  • Website security. An HTTPS website with an SSL certificate will probably rank higher than an unsecured website. Most customers prefer a secure website if they have to enter their personal or payment information.
  • Mobile-friendliness. Your site might rank higher if it has a clean layout that customers can access through their phone or tablet.
  • Website performance. A sleek, high-performance website ensures a higher ranking and makes customers more likely to return to your site.

 The algorithm takes dozens of other factors into consideration, but these are some of the primary factors that help you gain an audience and retain your customer base. With the new update, Google will group some of these factors under the “Core Web Vitals” label.

google algorithm update

Overview of the August 2021 Google Algorithm Update

 The new Google algorithm update adds a new factor called “Page Experience” to the formula. Page Experience consists of five factors: mobile compatibility, page security, website encryption, ad experience, and Core Web Vitals. Some of these features are already part of Google’s algorithm, but Core Web Vitals are a new benchmark that could make or break your website’s ranking.

 These changes might be a little overwhelming. Fortunately, Google started its rollout in mid-June and won’t be finished until August 2021. This gives website owners plenty of time to configure their site for the algorithm. If you’ve worked with an experienced web marketing company, you might already have Core Web Vitals incorporated into your site. As a result, you might not have to do anything.

 Initially, Google scheduled the rollout for May 2021. According to Google, this slower rollout gives them time to fix bugs or glitches before becoming a significant issue. You’re not the only one who will be updating your website–Google will make changes to their search engine to improve their users’ experience.

august google algorithm update
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What Are Core Web Vitals?

 You might not have heard the term “Core Web Vitals” before, but you’ve probably talked to your marketing agency about these benchmarks in different terms. Core Web Vitals are one of the most critical aspects of the web experience. Here’s what Core Web Vitals measure:

  • How long it takes your website to load
  • How long it takes your website to become interactive
  • How long it takes the content to “shift” into place

 You probably already know that a cluttered, slow-loading website won’t attract a lot of viewers. The new algorithm update makes these factors an official part of the Google search engine formula. Here’s a more in-depth look at each Core Web Vital.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

 LCP measures how quickly it takes your website to load (i.e., “paint” the content.) According to Google, your website must load within 2.5 seconds to get a decent ranking. If you’re not sure how long it takes your website to load, use an online tool to gauge your LCP speed.

First Input Delay (FID)

 FID measures the delay between user action and the website’s response. For example, if a user clicks a link on your website, the length of time that the website takes to respond is the FID. For a high search ranking, your FID can’t be more than 100 milliseconds. A web marketing agency could help you gauge your FID, which is difficult to measure through traditional means.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

 Before your website loads completely, the content might shift on the webpage. As a result, the user might click on the wrong link. Some content shift is inevitable, but if your CLS is more than 0.1, you might accidentally mislead your users. That’s why Google expects high-ranking websites to have a low CLS rate. Use an online tool to measure your CLS, and talk to a marketing expert if you need to make adjustments.

What Does “User Experience” Mean?

The user experience is exactly what it sounds like. This might sound obvious, but many people focus on aesthetics over functionality. Their website might look attractive, but viewers have trouble finding the content they need. Worse still, disabled viewers might find it impossible to navigate the website. Fortunately, it’s possible to build an attractive website that’s still user-friendly–it might not be exactly what you planned, but it’ll generate more sales and profits.

Here are a few questions you could ask yourself when considering the user experience:

  • How quickly can viewers find what they’re looking for?
  • Is my website compatible with smartphones and tablets as well as laptops?
  • Can disabled people browse this website without too much difficulty?
  • How long does it take the content to load on a regular Internet connection?
  • Does your website have any bugs or glitches?
  • Is anything on my website confusing or misleading?
  • Does the website get straight to the point or have a lot of filler text?
  • Is this website suited for your target audience?
  • How many clicks does your viewer need to get to each webpage?
  • Does your website have a sleek, modern layout, or is it stuck in the nineties?
  • Is your website secure and encrypted?
  • Would a customer feel safe when they enter their personal information?
  • Is your website compatible with multiple browsers and operating systems?
  • Will your website take a while to load on slow Internet connections?
  • Does your website have eyesores like red text or a neon background?

It’s hard to look at your website objectively, but ask yourself how you would navigate your site if you were a customer. You could also ask a third party like a friend or family member to navigate your website. These people might not be experts, but they could give you quick feedback.

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Web Updates to Enhance User Experience

august 2021 google algorithm update

At first glance, Google algorithm updates might seem like a hassle. But in fact, they offer the perfect opportunity to adjust your user experience. The web is constantly changing–and with it, customers’ expectations. These algorithm changes invite you to evaluate your loading times, page interactivity, and other factors. With this information in mind, you’ll enhance the user experience and attract more customers to your website.

However, this update isn’t just for you–it’s also for Google. They’re constantly evaluating their strategy to provide the best possible experience for their customers. If Google recommends an outdated page that takes forever to load, viewers might check out another search engine. This means you’ll need to stay updated on research, technology, and Google updates to make sure your site doesn’t drop in the search rankings.

Which Websites Will Be Punished With the New Updates?

If you already have a streamlined, user-friendly website, you might not have much to worry about. However, this update could punish websites that the owners haven’t updated in a while. Your site might drop in the rankings if it has a relatively slow loading time, doesn’t offer a secure connection, has a slow content shift, or isn’t compatible with mobile users. Unfortunately, you might not be able to fix these issues yourself unless you’re a web developer.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to talk to a development and marketing company like Send it Rising. We could help you update your website in anticipation of Google’s new algorithm rollout. When you’re ahead of the curve, you’ll have an advantage over websites that wait until the last minute.

How Our Internet Marketing Company is Prepping for the Update

 What do we love most about our team? How our web designers and SEO team work together for all clients. As you already know, the new Google algorithm will affect Google rankings. That’s why our web & SEO team has been working on preparing and implementing updates in preparation of the Google algorithm update since June. 

As the new Google Algorithm update takes user experience into such high regard, we are helping businesses prepare with new website designers and ensuring websites are as secure as possible in 2021. Send it Rising is a top web designer in Las Vegas and around the world because of its safe, secure, and user-friendly websites that are built to succeed in SEO and keep rankings with current Google algorithm updates. 

Meet our team here

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google algorithm update

2021 Google Algorithm Updates | Send it Rising Internet Marketing 

This article was written by Send it Rising, digital marketing and eCommerce professionals focusing on eCommerce website design, SEO, listing optimization, and more. If you have further questions surrounding building your eCommerce in 2021, contact us here.

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